Friday, March 30, 2012

Do something green

Just in time for Earth Day...
 we have a fantastic collection from Robert Kaufman
 based on Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax".
It's printed on 100% organic cotton too.
 "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
 nothing is going to get better.  It's not."

Words to live by. 

While pondering projects to make with this collection,
Lindell came up with this fantastic design for a child's placemat.
It's a great way to remind them
 that we all have to do our share to save the earth.
We're putting together a workshop for this,
so be on the look-out for the email announcement.

more green ideas...

I am a very big fan of the Japanese art of gift wrapping
with fabric, Furoshiki.  It's a lovely way of making sustainable
giftwraps and carry-alls.  Click on the link below for folding instructions: 

Fools beware!  This Sunday April 1st
annoying pranksters come out of the woodwork
and I am usually an easy victim...every year.
I've decided to retaliate in the French tradition,
tacking paper fish on the back
of the unsuspecting and crying out:
"poisson d'avril!" April Fish

Ha! take THAT!
