Friday, August 22, 2008

Fireman's Friend

We were noticing our firemen were lookin'

a bit down-in-the-mouth,

so, we found them some friends.

Hooray, everyone's happy again!

We are making a "saucy" apron

with these vixens by Alexander Henry.

Maybe even His and Her aprons

would be in order. Hmmmmnn...



There's this crazy

thing going on

these days in the

knitting world.

Happy Choices Sock Blanks by Plymouth Yarns.

What the heck is this? you may ask.

Well, Plymouth has put together a flat length of colorfully dyed,

machine knitted fabric which you unknit into a pair

of very groovy socks. The choice being: "Do I finish the ends and

wear it as a scarf, or do I knit a pair of socks?"

Of course, you make the socks!

So, be the first to be sitting on the train going to work with

a scarf round your neck magically unraveling into a pair of socks.

And when everyone asks:


send them to the Franklin Mill Store.

New Friend!

We have the coolest new friend here at FMS.

I first met Karen when I noticed the spiffy pants she

was wearing and proceeded to barrage her with questions about them.

She used the

Indygo Junction

Artisan Pant pattern.

I have to admit that

when I've looked at

these patterns in

the past they

haven't inspired me.

I obviously, inaccurately, judged a "book" by it's cover.

These pants are great! Very flattering, fully cut, "flowey" legs.

Not at all frumpy. Also, very easy to make. There are two styles

to choose from, one with a side slit in the bottom panel and the

other with an inverted pleat in the front and back. They both look great.

Karen has been in with 3 editions thus far, two in Kaffe Fasset fabrics

and an extremely elegant affair in one of our couture fabrics.

The photos above don't do these pants justice.

You'll just have to try them for yourself.