Beautiful heavyweight cotton/linen fabrics just arrived from Japan would make great bags, cushion covers, jackets or little Euro style kids pants (with big pockets). We have several super cute motifs, you just have to see them to appreciate the quality of the cloth and printed designs.
Hmmnn, what else...

Knitter supreme, Karen Wheeler just made the coolest beaded scarf (it's all the rage, doncha know?). She will be offering two - 3 hour workshops in March for those clever folks who may be interested in learning how to make it. Dates will be posted soon on our website.
Not to be left out of the action, our Home Decorating
department has some groove goin' on too.
New fabrics from Alexander Henry and Amy Butler.
Colors and patterns snazzy enough to shake you
out of your January funk.

That's all for now.
Stay warm!