It's a movement! Hats galore here at FMS. It all started with
our friend June buying up all sorts of groovy fabric and trims,
and I of course had to know "What're y'up too?"
June sells her hats on Etsy. Check out her shop:
And then...
our friend Joan made a super cute kiddo hat with this
soldier print by the Japanese fabric company: Kokka.
And then...
our friend Joan made a super cute kiddo hat with this
soldier print by the Japanese fabric company: Kokka.

Way to go Joan!
and then...
Joan's student Katie made this incredibly awesome hat
with an Echino fabric. Hard to believe it was made with
this Vogue pattern.

Just goes to show what a really groovy fabric
can do for your projects (that and Katie's talent).

While we're on this subject of hats, thought I'd throw in
a few more for contemplation. All images courtesy of:
Harlem's Heaven Boutique.
Power Hat!

Black Hat (my fave)

or Pink?

Church Hat

Ack! Esty is one of my latest obsessions! Thanks for posting about June!